- 注1:本列表偏general, social, cognitive, human factors, social science
- 注2:列表是按我心目中的大概推荐程度排序的,我读过或者录取过的项目会介绍稍多一点
- 注3:US News排名、DDL和网址更新于Dec 23, 2020,仅供参考
1. Wake Forest University
- 综28
- MA, General Psychology
- DDL: January 15
- url: http://psychology.wfu.edu/graduate-program/
- 本人就读的硕士项目,个人觉得很适合为读博做准备。基本上录的所有学生都给80%-100%学费奖学金;除了学费也提供TA/RA/GA奖学金来cover生活费,这些经历对提升简历也很有帮助。导师制(统一录取后再分导师),两年制,小项目,每年招10-16人左右。录取委员会面试。
2. William & Mary
- 综39
- MS, Psychological Science
- DDL: February 1
- url: https://www.wm.edu/as/psych-sciences/gradprogram/index.php
- 录取就有全奖+assistantship
3. Brandeis University
- 综42
- MA, Psychology
- Priority DDL: February 1 (rolling through May 15)
- url: http://www.brandeis.edu/gsas/programs/psychology.html
- 意向导师面试,可能有奖(我的offer是一万刀奖)
4. University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign
- 综47
- MS, Psychological Science
- DDL: December 10
- url: https://psychology.illinois.edu/msps/program-description
- 无奖
5. New York University
- 综30
- MA, (General) Psychology
- DDL: March 1
- url: https://as.nyu.edu/psychology/graduate/ma-psychology.html
6. Boston University
- 综42
- MA, Psychology
- Priority DDL: March 1 (rolling through May 15)
- url: http://www.bu.edu/psych/academics/masters/
7. Lehigh University
- 综49
- MS, Psychology
- DDL: January 1 (on rare occasions, rolling admissions are considered for the Master of Science program; 建议先发邮件问小秘)
- url: https://psychology.cas.lehigh.edu/node/69
- The M.S. degree is mainly awarded to students in the process of working towards their Ph.D. However, well-qualified students may also be accepted for a Master of Science degree.
8. University at Buffalo–SUNY
- 综88
- MA, General Psychology
- DDL: March 2
- url: https://arts-sciences.buffalo.edu/psychology/graduate/ma.html
- 意向导师面试
9. Clemson University
- 综74
- MS, Applied Psychology
- DDL: January 15
- url: https://www.clemson.edu/cbshs/departments/psychology/graduate/msappsy.html
- 网申中细分方向:human factors psychology, industrial and organizational psychology
10. University of Oregon
- 综103
- MA/MS, Psychology
- DDL: May 15 (网申系统4月初开放)
- url: https://psychology.uoregon.edu/graduates/masters-program
- 非general项目,要求申请时就明确方向。
11. University of Tennessee
- 综112
- MA, Experimental Psychology
- DDL: February 1
- url: https://psychology.utk.edu/grad/ma.php
- 网申中细分方向:Neuroscience & Behavior, Cognitive & Developmental Science, Social Psychology
12. Rochester Institute of Technology
- 综112
- MS, Experimental Psychology
- Priority DDL: February 15 (rolling thereafter)
- url: https://www.rit.edu/liberalarts/study/experimental-psychology-ms
- 可能有奖(我的offer是35%学费+assistantship)
13. Arizona State University–New college
- 综NA
- MS, Psychology
- Priority DDL: February 1 (rolling through July 15)
- url: https://newcollege.asu.edu/psychology-ms,https://webapp4.asu.edu/programs/t5/majorinfo/ASU00/ASPGSMS/graduate/false
- 可能有奖(我只拿到AD,面试的教授有提到之后可能有机会拿assistantship)。意向导师面试,也代表项目问了一些常规性问题。注意这个项目是在West校区上课,而不是Tempe主校区。)
14. DePaul University
- 综124
- MS, General Psychology
- Priority DDL: April 1 (DDL April 20)
- url: https://csh.depaul.edu/academics/psychology/graduate/psychology-ms/Pages/default.aspx
15. The New School
- 综133
- MA, General Psychology
- Fellowship and Priority DDL: January 7 (International DDL: June 15)
- url: https://www.newschool.edu/nssr/ma-general-psychology/
- 大部分人有奖
1. Columbia University
- 综3
- MA, QMSS (Quantitative Methods in The Social Science)
- DDL: February 18
- url: http://devel.qmss.columbia.edu/admissions
2. University of Chicago
- 综6
- MA, MAPSS (Social Science)
- Priority DDL: January 4 (Final DDL: April 30)
- url: https://mapss.uchicago.edu/areas-study/psychology
- 可能有奖;Concentration可选psychology
3. University of California–Los Angeles
- 综20
- Master of social science (MASS)
- Priority DDL: January 8 (Regular DDL: April 16)
- url: http://mass.ss.ucla.edu/apply/